BC Group International
BC Group International, Inc. is a leading provider of biomedical test equipment and measurement equipment for the global medical device technical services marketplace since 1988.
BC Group Biomedical products are made in the USA and products currently include Electrical Safety Analyzers, Defibrillator Analyzers, Electrosurgical (ESU) Analyzers, Infusion Device Analyzers, NIBP Simulators, Patient Simulators, Pulse Oximetry (SpO2) Simulators, Standard and High Accuracy Digital Pressure Meters, Anesthetic Agent Analyzer, etc.
BC Group is now the second largest manufacturer of Biomedical Test Equipment in the world and growing.
Biomedical Test Equipment is specifically designed to aide healthcare professionals in the validation and maintenance of a wide variety of medical devices.
SO-9001:2015 Certified
ISO-13485:2016 Certified
ISO-17025:2005 Accredited